¿Que diferencia a Vivo Sostenible?
Precio Cerrado
Sin sorpresas ni sobrecostes de última hora, el precio fijo y no se incrementará durante la construcción.
Ahorro Energético
El autoabastecimiento de energía a través de fuentes renovables nos permite conseguir un ahorro energético del 90%
6 Meses
Tu hogar listo en 6 meses desde el momento de la firma del contrato, sin preocuparte de nada. ¡Garantizado!
Certificado Passive House
¿Qué es
Passive House?
Passive House is based on design criteria that enable ideal ambient conditions to be maintained inside, achieving energy savings of between 70% and 90% compared to conventional homes. To do so, the homes have optimal thermal insulation that prevents thermal bridges from appearing while using mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, as well as high-performance windows and doors..
Main characteristics in a Passive House construction:
Once we know the basic variables to begin planning a Passive House home, we have to know the main characteristics to begin manufacturing, too. These main characteristics are:
Great thermal insulation
Depending on the climate and the location, the necessary thicknesses of the thermal insulation will be calculated in order to achieve greater energy efficiency. This manufacturing stage is crucial, since it is the element that will prevent thermal bridges from appearing and maintain the temperature, as well as keeping noise out of the home.
High-performance windows and doors
We optimise the dimensions and locations of the building’s openings, since they are the weakest points of the envelope. It is therefore necessary to install high quality frames and glass to stop energy leaks as much as possible.
No thermal bridges
Thermal bridges are areas of the thermal envelope where heat or cold is transmitted more easily, in other words where there is a gap in the insulation or it is considerably reduced. Passive House structures are designed in such a way that they prevent this effect, achieving the utmost comfort for the inhabitants.
It is common to find uncontrollable draughts in traditional homes, which get in through unintended holes or cracks, leading to a poor performance in terms of the home’s energy, generating currents of air inside. Passive House homes ensure there is an air-tight, draught-proof surround or envelope to prevent this phenomenon, thereby ensuring the home’s temperature and the quality of the air at all times.
Mechanical ventilation
The home’s ventilation works using this system that combines energy efficiency in both winter and summer with health as regards taking into account the oxygen being breathed in Passive House homes.
Realizamos la construcción de tu hogar sostenible en 3 pasos y 6 meses, ¡garantizado!
1. Diseña tu casa y elige los detalles
Duración: 1 mes. Diseñamos tu hogar para tus necesidades con la memoria de calidades, sistemas de instalación fotovoltaica,...
2. Licencia de Obras y Fabricación
Duración: 4 meses. Podemos compaginar la solicitud de licencia con la construcción de tu hogar
3. Preparación de parcela y conexiones
Duración : 1 mes. Se prepara el terreno para colocar la casa sobre él. Se realiza el vallado perimetral, la cimentación y las conexiones a servicios.