The Passive House concept is a standard for constructing energy-efficient buildings with a high level of comfort inside at an affordable price.


What is Passive House?

Passive House is based on design criteria that enable ideal ambient conditions to be maintained inside, achieving energy savings of between 70% and 90% compared to conventional homes. To do so, the homes have optimal thermal insulation that prevents thermal bridges from appearing while using mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, as well as high-performance windows and doors.


The advantages of having sustainable homes

These homes boast a list of advantages that make them a profitable alternative residence. The insulations keep the temperature constant inside, as well as adequate levels of relative humidity. The continual air change systems, extracting it and replacing it with oxygen from outside, ensure there is constant, fresh and clean ventilation.

Added to this there is a reduction in energy demands from the home, thereby achieving direct savings for the users. This is why VIVO presents a much more favourable opportunity in regions with extreme climates where the winters are harsh and summers hot, where this situation becomes even more obvious.







Un confort gratificante basado en la cancelación de ruidos externos y la implementación de materiales para mantener temperaturas cálidas dentro del hogar. Vendrás por el ahorro, te quedarás por el confort.


Nuestros hogares tienen una hermeticidad del aire constante. Apartados como la ausencia de puentes térmicos o la ventilación mecánica, nos permite que la temperatura de la casa este siempre regulada, manteniendo siempre el aire limpio para vuestro bienestar.


Los hogares sostenibles se basan en el autoconsumo como fuentes de energía, a través de elementos arquitectónicos que ayudan al medio ambiente de manera indirecta, y así, conseguimos un ahorro energético de hasta el 90%.


Desde VIVO estamos muy unidos con el planeta, así que incorporamos un sistema de autosuficiencia energética, para que nuestros hogares funcionen con energías ecológicas, #MiFilosofía, Mi Vivo


Los hogares sostenibles son únicos y a tu medida. Dependiendo del entorno geográfico, las temperaturas y la orientación de las viviendas, tendrán diferentes aspectos conforme a sus necesidades. Cada casa es un mundo, nos adaptamos a tus necesidades, nos adaptamos a ti.


Benefits for living

Passive House homes provide great benefits for the people who live in them, beginning with extraordinary comfort throughout inside, keeping a constant temperature in all rooms. They have large glass areas to capture sunlight and enjoy the best views, while ensuring better rest thanks to their ventilation, noise insulation and temperature.

Of course, the energy savings are very significant and the structure’s impact is also reduced considerably. So there are not only benefits for those who inhabit them, but also for the planet, society and the economy.


Aspects for a Passive House home

In order to begin to plan a Passive House home, we need to take into account the following aspects:


Different aspects related to the home’s future location need to be taken into account, which will affect the start of the project for the home, such as geolocalisation, climate and altitude of the location.


On beginning to draft the technical drawings, as well as constructing the home itself, different topographic characteristics must be taken into account such as the spacing between nearby buildings, the differences in the level of the ground itself, and the properties of urban trees.


Se ha de tener en cuenta diferentes aspectos que repercutirán en el proceso de iniciación del proyecto de la vivienda, como son la geolocalización, la climatología y la altitud de la ubicación. Todos estos aspectos están relacionados con la futura ubicación de un hogar Passive House.


A la hora de empezar con la creación de los planos así como de la propia construcción de la vivienda, se han de tener en cuenta diferentes aspectos topográficos como son el espaciado entre edificios cercanos, los desniveles del propio terreno y las propiedades del arbolado urbano.


Main characteristics in a Passive House construction:

Once we know the basic variables to begin planning a Passive House home, we have to know the main characteristics to begin manufacturing, too. These main characteristics are:

Passive houses consume up to eight times less energy than conventional buildings.

A Passive House home in a Mediterranean climate hast to meet the following conditions:

  • Maximum useful energy demand for heating of 15 kWh/m2 a year.
  • Maximum useful energy demand for cooling of 15 kWh/m2 a year.
  • The building’s outer envelope must not have a greater air-tightness than 0.6 volumes/h.
  • Maximum consumption of primary energy for heating, cooling, domestic hot water (DHW) and electricity: 120 kWh/m2 a year.


Frequently-asked questions

This is a type of manufacture that guarantees the building’s thermal comfort by heating or cooling the air exchanged to attain proper ventilation. It is designed and built according to the criteria provided for in the Passivhaus standard, which define the most energy-efficient buildings in architecture. Passivhaus buildings are designed using bioclimatic and sustainable criteria. The little supplementary energy they require can easily be covered using renewable energies, making them constructions with a very low energy cost for the owner and the planet.

In order to achieve the Passive House goals, there are five basic principles that must be applied:

1. Install high, continual thermal insulation.
2. Ensure an air-tight envelope to avoid infiltrations from unwanted air.
3. Avoid or minimise thermal bridges.
4. Install high-performance windows and doors.
5. Use a system of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery.
And it is just as important to be able to count on architects certified by the Passivhaus Institute in order to be sure they know how to apply these principles properly, thus achieving your dream home with experience backed by professionals.

Thermal comfort is ensured throughout the year. In winter the temperature won’t fall below 20 ⁰C, whereas in summer it won’t go over 25 ⁰C.

Thanks to the low electricity consumption of passive houses, you can manage to disconnect from the grid with a small installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof. So you can produce the energy you need self-sufficiently to supply your house without paying a single euro to the electric companies.

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