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At VIVO Sustainable Homes we feel a commitment to well-being, to people and to our environment. That is why we create spaces for healthy, sustainable living, ready to provide comfort, tranquillity and peace by means of efficient use of energy resources.
VIVO Sustainable Homes applies the Passive House concept to integrate it in creating our homes. We are an organisation specialising in managing homes based on the sustainability of resources, energy efficiency and comfort for their inhabitants by using renewable energies.
Let us present a new way to understand living; an opportunity to help the planet. Thanks to savings systems, we give our customers the possibility of adopting a philosophy in keeping with a sustainable lifestyle, caring for your health and that of those around you.
We are experts in manufacturing sustainable homes. We can count on a team of highly qualified architects who specialise in Passive House homes, meaning there is exhaustive control over the procedures to develop them. Our main aim is to have satisfied customers. We help control your savings, letting you monitor and find the best way to economise on your consumption.
At VIVO we want comfort and quality to go hand-in-hand with efficient use of energy resources. Our commitment to sustainability begins with the very use of recycled materials, re-use of ship container structures and the use of solar power to create self-sufficient homes. In VIVO Sustainable Homes we make an effort to create quality indoor atmospheres where comfort goes hand-in-hand with an efficient use of energy resources.
At VIVO Sustainable Homes we offer you a way of understanding living that transforms the traditional view there has been about the home. Because your philosophy matters to us, we provide a unique experience in which comfort, sustainability and energy efficiency combine to help the planet.
Un confort gratificante basado en la cancelación de ruidos externos y la implementación de materiales para mantener temperaturas cálidas dentro del hogar. Vendrás por el ahorro, te quedarás por el confort.
Nuestros hogares tienen una hermeticidad del aire constante. Apartados como la ausencia de puentes térmicos o la ventilación mecánica, nos permite que la temperatura de la casa este siempre regulada, manteniendo siempre el aire limpio para vuestro bienestar.
Los hogares sostenibles se basan en el autoconsumo como fuentes de energía, a través de elementos arquitectónicos que ayudan al medio ambiente de manera indirecta, y así, conseguimos un ahorro energético de hasta el 90%.
Desde VIVO estamos muy unidos con el planeta, así que incorporamos un sistema de autosuficiencia energética, para que nuestros hogares funcionen con energías ecológicas, #Mi Filosofía, Mi Vivo
Este sello alemán reconoce el valor de promover nuestra filosofía a través de la gestión energética de nuestros hogares y el cuidado de la salud.
By complying with the meticulous manufacturing procedures and subjecting each home to strict testing, we can give our clients a result that combines quality and style. Thanks to this, our homes maintain ideal ambient conditions, achieving large energy savings compared to traditional buildings. To achieve this phenomenon, it is important to use thermal insulation that enables such conditions to be reached in all parts of the house.
If you would like to receive information about VIVO SUSTAINABLE HOMES or you have any queries, leave us your name and contact email. We’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible to answer all your questions.
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