Vivo Sustainable Homes presents its Passivhaus housing project at Innovam

The innovation and technology convention, held at the El Batel Auditorium and Conference Center, is a meeting between different companies, technology partners and industry associations to highlight disruptive technologies and their application in the business sector

Ayer, 9 de noviembre, se celebró la I edición de Innovam, la convención por la innovación de la Región de Murcia, un evento organizado por la Dirección General de Comercio e Innovación Empresarial.

Caliche Corporación Familiar was present through its corporate stand of Vivo Hogares Sostenibles with which it showed the attendees the business project of sustainable modular housing, with Passivhaus certification.

Likewise, Miguel Ángel Herchiga , Caliche's Corporate Director of Projects, Technology and Innovation, gave a presentation in the auditorium where he detailed the pillars of innovation and eco-efficiency on which a sustainable home model typical of the business unit. "We want to have a sustainable home model in which we all begin to work for the environment," Herchiga pointed out.

In addition, he added with respect to conventional construction methods, that Vivo Hogares Sostenibles "is a new opportunity to see the concept of housing in the Region, and we want it to become a new model of habitability for society."

The first convention for innovation in the Region is held in order to promote the results of all those research and innovation projects financed by the regional body.

In the same way, Innovam is presented as an opportunity that provides the ideal setting for entrepreneurs, start-ups, spin-offs and technological partners to strengthen ties within the technological field and value different emerging projects whose axis is based on R&D policies. D + i, and thus increase business competitiveness.


Vivo Hogares Sostenibles is one of the last business units created by Caliche Corpo Family ration in order to bet on the construction of sustainable buildings, created from maritime containers, with Passivhaus certification. The technical characteristics of this type of housing ensure a minimum energy consumption, as well as the guarantee of properties such as: thermal insulation, the absence of thermal bridges, airtightness, high-performance windows and mechanical ventilation with heat recovery. Vivo Hogares Sostenibles reinvents the way of understanding the architecture and construction of a house following a healthy and environmentally friendly life model.

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